Introducing the divinity of the Universe
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Chapter 15: Potential + kinetic = zero energy UniverseSynopsisWe call the source of the Universe naked gravitation, the structureless initial singularity predicted by Einstein’s general relativity and discovered by Hawking and Ellis. The singularity has zero energy. The first step in the creation of the Universe, described in Chapter 5: Eternity, time and Hilbert space, is the formation of Hilbert space in the singularity. This space is in perpetual kinematic motion driven by the power of the singularity. The second step is the construction, by quantum mechanics, of stationary points in this Hilbert space. The third step, the subject of this chapter, breaks the symmetry of the singularity into the positive and negative energy of gravitation. The positive energy transforms the kinematic stationary points discovered by quantum mechanics into real dynamical particles, children of the initial singularity. The negative energy deepens the gravitational potential well that stabilizes the Universe. Table of contents15.1: Evolutionary epistemology15.2: Dynamics: from Newton through electromagnetism to general relativity 15.3: General relativity, initial singularity and zero-energy Universe 15.4: We live in a potential well: the cosmic microwave background 15.5: Action: the quantum initial singularity 15.1: Evolutionary epistemologyIf the Universe were to be planned in advance, a large volume of information would be needed to define this plan. This information could not be contained in a structureless initial singularity. An alternative approach is to test the idea that the world arose by evolution from an eternal quantum of action with unlimited fertility controlled only by local consistency. Natural selection selects the individuals that successfully mature and reproduce to carry their genes into the next generation. Survival is dictated by the relationship between individuals and the environment in which they find themselves. These environments are created by prior events on timescales ranging from the formation of stars and planets to local events like floods, fires and famines or the sudden appearance of a predator. The generation of science is very similar to the process of biological evolution. The scientific community is simultaneously collecting data and trying to explain what this data means. These two processes inject a variety of hypotheses into science which is then tested by comparing them to more data. In the seventeenth century, Isaac Newton used the work of Galileo and many other astronomers to build the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton's unifying concept is force. He defined force in terms of mass, length and time by his second law, force = mass × acceleration, where acceleration is rate of change of velocity, and velocity is the ratio of distance travelled to time elapsed. Newton's Laws of motion - Wikipedia 15.2: Dynamics: from Newton to general relativityNewton described the laws that govern the behaviour of slow moving massive bodies in classical space and time. Einstein’s developed the special theory of relativity because he realized that Maxwell's equations show that the speed of light must constant and independent of the motion of its sources and observers. It is a local phenomenon. This requires space and space and time to be combined into a single entity, spacetime, Minkowski space. Minkowski space - Wikipedia Einstein records two insights that led him from special to general relativity. The first, his "happiest thought", was that a person in free fall would not feel their own weight. They do not feel any force because they are moving inertially. On the other hand, their speed is increasing as they fall. From a Newtonian point of view they are accelerating, yet feeling no force. The second insight, known as the principle of equivalence, identifies gravitation and acceleration. Imagine you are in a closed opaque box. When you feel a force pulling you toward one side of the box there is no way for you to tell whether this force is the result of gravitation, as if the box were sitting on Earth, or if there is some agent accelerating the box so that you feel a force indistinguishable from gravitation. Equivalence principle - Wikipedia The following statement corresponds to the fundamental idea of the general principle of relativity: All Gaussian coordinate systems are essentially equivalent for the formulation of the general laws of nature. Albert Einstein (1916, 2005): Relativity: The Special and General Theory Gaussian coordinates provide a topological connection between arithmetic and space which is based on order rather than distance. This is why Einstein's theory does not provide a measure of the size of the Universe. It applies even though the Universe is expanding. Gauss’s insight was extended to spacetime by Bernard Riemann who created a differentiable manifold which could be studied using tensor calculus. Einstein’s friend Marcel Grossman explained this idea to Einstein and it became the key to his theory. Albert Einstein & Marcel Grossman (1913): Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity and of a Theory of Gravitation After few more revisions, Einstein wrote, in his final paper: By that, the general theory of relativity as a logical building is eventually finished. The relativity postulate in its general form that makes the space-time coordinates to physically meaningless parameters, is directed with stringent necessity to a very specific theory of gravitation that explains the perihelion motion of Mercury. However, the general relativity postulate offers nothing new about the essence of the other natural processes, which wasn't already taught by the special theory of relativity. Albert Einstein (1915): The Field Equations of Gravitation Since that time solutions of Einstein's theory, the development of precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the use of redshifts to estimate distance, and the recent development of gravitational wave observatories have given us a very precise and complete picture of the overall structure of the Universe. Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia
15.3 General relativity, initial singularity and zero-energy UniverseBoth the classical initial singularity and the zero energy Universe and are possible consequences of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Hawking and Ellis argued for the initial singularity and proposed that the big bang may be explained in terms of a time reversed black hole. Hawking & Ellis (1975): The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time One apparent difficulty with the classical big bang theory is that it seems to imply that all the energy of the Universe was initially contained in the structureless initial singularity. This is difficult to understand, since energy and momentum exist in spacetime which is a product rather than the source of the big bang. An answer to this difficulty, proposed by Feynman and others, is that the total energy of the Universe is zero. Feynman writes: Another spectacular coincidence relating the gravitational constant to the size of the Universe comes in considering the total energy. The total gravitational energy of all the particles in the Universe is something like GMM / R, where R = Tc and T is the Hubble time. . . . .. If now we compare this number to the total energy of the Universe Mc2, lo and behold, we get the amazing result that GM2 / R = Mc2 so that the total energy of the Universe is zero. Richard Feynman (2002): Feynman Lectures on Gravitation The potential binding energy of the Universe, the depth of the potential well in which it exists, may be exactly equal and opposite to the kinetic energy contained in all its observable elements. We might call this the classical answer, consistent with relativity. Even if Feynman's brief derivation of the zero energy universe described above is faulty, Berman suggests that given certain metric solutions to Einstein general relativity, the Universe would have zero energy. Marcelo Samuel Berman (2009): On the Zero-energy Universe 15.4: We live in a potential well: the cosmic microwave backgroundIf Hawking and Ellis are right, we live in something like a black hole, that is a very deep potential well. This makes sense. We can no more leave the Universe than we could escape from a black hole. In modern physics potential wells are the foundation of structure. An atom is a potential well. The electrons are bound to the protons by the electromagnetic force acting between them, just as we are stuck to our planet Earth by its gravitational attraction for us. In a potential well particles have negative energy. Added positive energy is required to get them out. It takes a lot of energy to put an astronaut into orbit and spacecraft get very hot as they dissipate their energy on their way back. In the first moments after the classical big bang, the temperature of the new Universe is considered to have been almost infinite. It then cooled as it expanded, formed an immense number of particles and distributed the available energy between them. Most of these particles were probably photons. After three or four hundred thousand years (14 billion years ago) the temperature had dropped to about three thousand degrees. Things were then calm enough for electrons and protons to bind together to form hydrogen atoms. This binding set the unbound photons free to travel through the expanding Universe. Since that time these photons have been climbing out of the potential well in which they were formed, losing energy as they go. Their average energy, expressed as temperature, has fallen from thousands of degrees to about 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. They are no longer hard ultraviolet radiation but soft microwave radiation, the cosmic microwave background. The microwave background has now been mapped in exquisite detail across the sky. This background radiation has a black body spectrum and is quite homogeneous, but precise measurements reveal some detailed structure which is at present our best source of information about the structure of the Universe when it was a toddler. 15.5: Positive and negative energy: Broken symmetryMore that 2000 years have elapsed since Aristotle coined two terms energeia (lively energy) and entelecheia (completeness) which were both translated into the medieval Latin actus and its English equivalents act or action. Cohen & Reeve (2020): Aristotle's Metaphysics For Aristotle action is opposed to potential. An action is something that actually exists. A potential is something that might exist. Aristotle thought potential was passive. He proposed an axiom: no potential can actualize itself. He used this to prove the existence of the unmoved mover and Aquinas (mis)used it to prove the existence of his God. Modern physics sees potential as also active, as we learn as soon as we try to walk. The gravitational potential is always pulling us down. Potentials act whenever they are not inhibited, as when we learn to walk without falling or (in the opposite case) you touch a live wire. and feel the shock. The discovery of the conservation of energy required the realization that energy comes in two forms, potential and kinetic, negative and positive, which are equivalent and add up to zero. The roles of potential and kinetic energy were clarified during the long period, beginning in the 17th century, that it took to establish the principle of conservation of energy. Two significant steps were the recognition of the mechanical equivalent of heat by Mayer, Joule and others, and Einstein's derivation of the equivalence of mass and energy from special relativity. Conservation of energy - Wikipedia From a quantum mechanical point of view, energy is proportional to frequency, inversely proportional to the time interval it takes an action to occur. Since the initial singularity must be eternal quantum mechanics implies that its energy is zero. We imagine a principle of zero sum bifurcation: symmetries break into two elements that add up to zero. (See Chapter 28, Principle 2) This we assume to be the case with naked gravitation, which begins with zero energy and breaks into potential (negative) and kinetic (positive) which add up to zero. Positive and negative energy appear, but the total energy of the Universe remains zero. In chapter 16 we see that gravitation acts as a source of capital, going into debt to make kinematic quantum states real and profiting from their dynamic energy so created to shape the Universe. The pendulum in an example of a simple harmonic oscillator. It gives new meaning to Aristotle's terms potential and actuality and demonstrates that potential and kinetic energy are exactly equivalent, laying a foundation for the principle of conservation of energy. While kinetic energy is obvious in motion, potential energy, which is the source of the restoring force in an oscillator like a pendulum, is subtler and often invisible, hidden in the structure of space. The potential energy stored by a pendulum in motion is hidden in gravitation. |
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