Chapter 14: Evolution and intelligenceSynopsisWe consider ourselves intelligent and we know that we have evolved from simple one celled creatures that appeared on Earth about three billion years ago. Darwin popularized evolution by natural selection and we now know how it works. Billions of variant forms of life have arisen by random mutation and in the lottery of life those forms that can reproduce themselves survive. In the absence of an omniscient and omnipotent divinity to design and create the world, evolution must be the source of our intelligence and it must go back to the beginning. We must therefore attribute it to gravitation and quantum mechanics, the first movers of our world. Contents14.1: Particles or waves?14.2: Louis de Broglie 14.3: From simple functions to multi-dimensional operators 14.4: The eigenvalue problem 14.5: Where is mathematics in the world? 14.6: Entropy, control and survival 14.1 Particles or waves?The most exciting discovery in the classical theory of electrodynamics was Maxwell’s realization in 1865 that electricity and magnetism they could be coupled to one another to make a harmonic oscillator, like a pendulum. A moving magnetic field creates an electric field. A moving electric field creates a magnetic field. Due to the electromagnetic properties of space-time, this coupling moves through space at the speed of light. Maxwell's equations - Wikipedia In 1860 Gustav Kirhoff used a thermodynamic argument to show that every body emitted radiation whose frequency spectrum depended only on its temperature. In 1900 Max Planck found the equation that links temperature to spectral irradiance and quantum mechanics was born. To get his equation he had to assume that radiation was emitted in discrete quanta whose energy E was related to their frequency f by the first equation of quantum the theory E = hf where h is a new universal constant, extraordinarily small. h is the angular momentum of the quantum of action, the smallest event on the Universe. Kirchoff's law of thermal radiation - Wikipedia, Planck's Law - Wikipedia In 1905 Einstein proposed that Planck’s quantum of energy is a real particle that we now call the photon. This work started a long debate, still with us: is light particles or waves? 14.2: Louis de BroglieAn answer came from Louis de Broglie in 1924. He agreed with Einstein: electrons are both. Standing waves explain the presence of fixed structures like atomic orbitals. De Broglie was awarded the 1929 Nobel Prize and describes his ideas very succinctly in his lecture The Wave Nature of the Electron.
The mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, as written by von Neumann, is in essence the mathematics of standing waves. 14.3: From simple functions to operatorsRene Descartes greatly clarified mathematics by inventing coordinate geometry, so connecting arithmetic and geometry which ultimately led to Einstein's general relativity. By establishing axes, x and y on the Euclidean plane he enabled us to visualize simple functions like y = f (x). Linear functions appear as straight lines. Function of higher powers as curves. Cartesian coordinate system - Wikipedia Hilbert space, the home of quantum mechanics, is a the space of vectors described in Chapter 11: The axioms of abstract Hilbert space. Functions in Cartesian space map x points onto y points. The equivalent in quantum mechanics are operators which map vectors onto vectors. A vector is in effect the complete specification of a function. We construct complicated vectors in Hilbert space by adding basis vectors in various proportions, a process called superposition. Hilbert space - Wikipedia We can visualize the addition of moving waves by throwing stones into smooth water. When two stones fall simultaneously close together we see that where the expanding circles of waves spreading from each impact meet they add and subtract from one another to form a complex patterns which seem to pass through one another. We represent waves like this mathematically with vectors. 14.4: The eigenvalue problemThe term eigenvalue reflects the German history of quantum mechanics. In English we could write characteristic equation where characteristic means special or selected. The eigenvalue equation selects stationary points out of the perpetual motion in Hilbert space. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors - Wikipedia In a vector space of n dimension the operator A is written as a square array of n × n rational or complex numbers. An eigenvector x is a one dimensional string of these numbers and the eigenvalue λ is a rational number. The problem is then to find an operator A and a set of n eigenvectors x and eigenvalues λthat have the relationship Ax = λx. λ and the corresponding x are called an eigenpair and the xs are called the spectrum of the operator A. Since λ is simply a number, the effect of the matrix A is to change the length of the vector x but it does not change its direction. Since in Hilbert space the information about a state is carried by direction, this result means that an observable feature of a particular state is λ These values appear to be defined in nature to a very high degree of precision, so that the rational numbers representing observable features like the spectrum of a certain photon can be measured and calculated to ten or more decimal digits of precision. Physicists studying quantum mechanics are continually faced with the eigenvalue problem. The information that they start with is quite sparse with respect to the problem. All they have is experimental measurements of λs, for instance the frequencies of the photons emitted by an atom. From this data they have to work out plausible pairs of operators and eigenvectors to to give the observed results. In general, this is not easy but, it seems, nature does it every time elementary particles interact. Eigenvalue algorithm - Wikipedia The history of physics since 1900 has been the gradual discovery of the eigenpairs observable in the Universe and the search for operators like the electronic structure of an atom explain them. The reason for calling this site cognitive cosmology is that I feel that the ability of the Universe to solve what quantum mechanics understands to be the eigenvalue problem suggests that it is intelligent. A solution to an eigenvalue problem seems to be equivalent to an intellectual insight. It is a puzzle rather than a calculation and in the general case we approach a solution by trial and error. My intuitive feeling about the eigenvalue problem arises is the following scenario: On introspection I begin with a blank mind, no sharp imagery. Then, in a Cartesian moment which is analogous to the construction and solution of the equation above, suddenly an operator, an eigenfunction and a spectrum of eigenvalues associated with the eigenfunction appear flowing out of the tip of my pen as this real time observation of an idea that occurred about three minutes ago. Manley, D. B., & Taylor, C. S. (1996): Descartes Meditations - Trilingual Edition This set up and solution of the eigenvalue problem is the act of quantum mechanical insight, formulating the problem and the answer simultaneously. I have noted in Chapter 10 that our brains also work by superposition rather like quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, the superposition is strictly linear; in our brains the superposition evolves non-linearly in time by the adjustment of synaptic weights. Nature, it seems must also work by trial and error, finding stable eigenvectors amid the noise of Hilbert space. These vectors are in effect the genes of stable particles which will derive energy from gravitation as described in chapters 15 and 16 to become the real elementary particles from which the Universe is built. 4.5: Where is the mathematics in the world?Where is Hilbert space? It is a mathematical space which, I claim, exits prior to and independent of the familiar space in which we live. From this point of view, it is nowhere. Does a bag of beans contain arithmetic? Georg Cantor might say yes. He laid a foundation for arithmetic and formal mathematics by inventing set theory which is an imaginative fiction (which we can represent in writing) which explains arithmetic by putting things (elements) in boxes (sets). Set theory turned out to be a very powerful foundation for mathematics in general. Set theory - Wikipedia Plato is alleged to have had a sign on the doorway of his Academy saying No-one ignorant of mathematics may enter here. Two thousand years later Galileo drew attention to the fact that the Universe speaks mathematics:
Philosophy is written in this grand book - the universe, which stands continually open before our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and to read the alphabet in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics. Galileo Galilei (1610, 1957): Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo: Including the Starry Messenger (1610 Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina) There has long been a question about whether mathematics is created by mathematicians or discovered. The Platonic view is that it exists independently of mathematicians, and is therefore discovered. Given the fact that the Universe began in a state of complete ignorance as a structureless initial singularity, the mathematics which we discover must first have been created by the Universe itself in the process of its evolution. We say that quantum mechanics is kinematic. It is a puppet, like all mathematics. It does not do itself, it has to be embedded in a dynamic system like a student's brain, a computer or reality to make it work. In the first instance this dynamic system is the initial singularity. I have called it naked gravitation since quantum mechanics has not yet developed the Minkowski space whose metric provides the foundation for general relativity. Like waves and particles, formal mathematics and actual things are intrinsically united and come into being together. This book is a fictional story of how this might happen, adding flesh to the ancient story of creation which ultimately brought us Jesus of Nazareth who summarized creation in love, the first eigenvalue. 24.6: Controlling chaosScience proceeds by measurement and the simplest form of measurement is counting, the subject of statistics. Since the dawn of time we have used fire to give us light and warmth and to cook our food but life totally changed when we invented heat engines, mechanisms that turn the energy of fire into mechanical energy capable of driving everything from looms to bulldozers. This discovery powered the industrial revolution which has brought is to our present overheated epoch. In 1824 Sadi Carnot founded the theory of heat engines, thermodynamics, before people know much about energy or atoms. He devised an imaginary machine, the carnot cycle, which shows how to get mechanical power out of heat. This is as significant a development as the machine Turing imagined a century later to execute computation. Thermodynamics - Wikipedia, Carnot cycle - Wikipedia, Turing machine - Wikipedia The carnot cycle conserves energy and entropy and performs a kinematic task very similar to the quantum mechanical solution of the eigenvalue problem. Entropy is the ratio of energy to temperature. The carnot cycle operates between a hot source and a cold sink. Entropy is simply a count of states. Just as many states (say atoms) go into the carnot cycle as come out, so entropy is conserved. The effect of the cycle is to take some of the kinetic energy from each microscopic hot atom (cooling it) and deliver this energy in a single state, an energetic macroscopic motion with entropy zero. Quantum mechanics and heat engines are examples of creative control producing stable systems out of chaotic motion. The problem we face is that we have burnt the world down using heat engines to twist the world into our own image. The world built itself using quantum mechanics. Our salvation lies in living on sunlight like all other living creatures lest we drive the atmospheric carnot cycle to the point where the mechanical energy of storms destroys us and our built world. |
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