Introducing the divinity of the Universe
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Chapter 21: Fixed points, laws and symmetriesSynopsisA Goddess told Parmenides, one of the first recorded Ancient Greek thinkers, that we could only have certain knowledge of eternal things. This idea became central to theology with the belief that God is absolutely immutable and eternal. Since that time, we have learnt that the Universe also has many physical features that appear to be immutable and eternal like the speed of light, the quantum of action, and the electric charge and magnetism of the electron and the durability of stable atoms. Many larger and more complex things are also almost eternal. The Earth is about five billion years old, and some estimate that the Sun will continue to be a tranquil source of energy for another five billion years. There is no particular reason for humanity not to outlive the Sun if we learn to recycle 100% and to maintain the life support systems of our on which our existence depends. Contents21.1: A turning point: from Catholic to catholic21.2: Motion and stillness: Heraclitus vs Parmenides 21.3: The omniscience of God vs the ignorance of the initial singularity 21.4: Science and all reliable knowledge reveals divinity 21.5: The cosmological constant problem 21.1: A turning point: from Catholic to catholicBeginning when I was about 4, the nuns at Mater Christi College in Mount Gambier started teaching me that I am a sinner. The lessons continued through 12 years of Catholic education framed in a complex picture of sin, human sacrifice, redemption and apocalyptic rebirth. Catholic theology - Wikipedia This indoctrination terrified me. I was a sensual child, made of delicious flesh. We clearly understand that child sexual abuse is an egregious evil. The indoctrination of children with manifestly false beliefs, on the other hand, is often ignored. It is simply business as usual for some churches and schools. It took me 20 years to grow out of their depressing message. I am now approaching 80 and keen to overturn deeply ingrained Catholic misunderstandings of our divine world. When I was 18 I entered the Dominican Order. There I saw how Thomas Aquinas rebuilt Christianity using Aristotle, the only scientist available in his time. In my third year, moved by euphoria of the Second Vatican Council, I suggested that the work of Aquinas could be repeated, using modern science. All that was necessary was to replace the fictitious invisible god with the real visible god, the Universe. This is heresy. The Order expelled me. Dominicans: Order of Preachers The need for scientific theology is more urgent than ever. Trashy fundamentalism is uniting with inhuman theocracy to rule the world. Politics is now about ideology, not knowledge. Even the Children of Israel are repeating the genocide implicit in Yahweh’s gift to them of an already inhabited promised land. (Joshua 10:12). Theocracy - Wikipedia Jesus of Nazareth attacked a corrupt priesthood and was tortured to death, but he had it right. Love God (the environment). Love your neighbour (everybody). Unfortunately his movement was captured by Constantine and became a minor feature of the theological-military complex we call Catholic Church. Since then the Church Militant and similar military theocracies have been crusading on the path to political supremacy through religious war. Constantine the Great and Christianity - Wikipedia If the world is one and divine, science and theology study same subject and must work together. The require some modification in both disciplines. The first 20 chapters of this book propose a revision of core Christian beliefs on the nature of God parallel to modern science and cosmology. There I show as well as I can that it makes sense to understand Universe as divine. Now I understand that in the universal force of gravitation we are feeling divinity and I plough ahead. 21.2: Motion and stillness: Parmenides vs HeraclitusThe relationship between stability and motion is an old and deep problem. The issue was recorded 2500 years ago as a debate between Parmenides and Heraclitus. A Goddess told Parmenides that we can only have certain knowledge of eternal things. Perhaps she did not play ball games, because we now know that we can catch and hit moving balls by following them and meeting them in mid-air. The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem tells us that we can "catch" and record moving sounds perfectly if we sample them at twice their highest frequency. This is the foundation of digital recording and digital motion processing in general. Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia Heraclitus supported the opposite view: everything moves. Plato preferred Parmenides' view. He proposed a heaven of eternal and invisible forms which define (rather imperfectly) the nature of the world and infuse our minds with knowledge. Aristotle the scientist felt that both Parmenides and Heraclitus were wrong. He developed hylomorphism to reconcile the eternity of Plato's forms with the reality of change. Hylomorphism - Wikipedia Aristotle's world is both stable and flexible enough to accommodate motion, life, growth and intelligence. He understood that Plato's forms are kinematic, like puppets. They have no agency of their own. Hylomorphism needs a dynamic entity to move the forms. He gave this role to a celestial unmoved mover. In the mind of Aquinas Aristotle's unmoved mover became the model of the eternal and omnipotent Catholic God, pure action—actus purus. Unmoved mover - Wikipedia Although much publicity has been given to uncertainty in quantum mechanics, a most important feature of the theory is the absolute certainty and precision of the quantum of action. The quantum, a certain atomic frequency and the speed of light are fundamental fixed points in the Universe. With their help the definition of the kilogram is no longer a block of platinum, but three natural constants. Kilogram - Wikipedia 21.3: The omniscience of God vs the ignorance of the initial singularityThe traditional theory of omnipotence is that divinity can do anything that does not involve a contradiction. This is the only constraint on the evolution of the world. The omnipotent initial singularity is pure action, bound only by consistency. Initial singularity - Wikipedia Once Christianized the old God Yahweh became explicitly omniscient, knowing, creating and controlling every event at every moment. They were also found to be structureless, absolutely simple. We see in Chapter 19: Quantization: the mathematical theory of communication that in modern terms simplicity and knowledge are inconsistent qualities. Yahweh - Wikipedia The gravitational initial singularity proposed by Hawking and Ellis is formally identical to the traditional Christian God. It knows nothing because it has no material structure like the ink on this paper to encode information. Here I understand the nature of this singularity and the emergence of the Universe within it by analogy with the procession of the Trinity described in Chapter 2: The theology of the Trinity. Hawking & Ellis (1975):The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time The distinction between matter and spirit seem to have been central to theology since time immemorial. We mirror this with a fundamental distinction between kinematic (formal) and dynamic (physical) reality. This may help serve to clear up much of the confusion that the philosopher Kuhlmann notes in quantum field theory. He writes: In conclusion one has to recall that one reason why the ontological interpretation of QFT is so difficult is the fact that it is exceptionally unclear which parts of the formalism should be taken to represent anything physical in the first place. Meinard Kuhlmann (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): Quantum Field Theory We take the kinematic features of the world to be Hilbert space, quantum mechanics and the other mathematical forms that are embedded in the world. Like all mathematics, these structures do not move themselves, but rely on the dynamic properties of the initial singularity and all the particles that are derived from the singularity to operate them, just as we operate mathematical formalism in our own minds. 21.4: Science and all reliable knowledge reveals divinityIf the the Universe is divine, science and theology have same subject. They are both attempts to comprehend the world but they have different criteria of truth. Science is essentially evidence based and has been forced to change frequently since we learnt to look more deeply into the world using telescopes and microscopes and measuring it with rulers and clocks. Science - Wikipedia Science is tightly coupled to technology. As we learn how the world works we are better able to adapt it to our own use. For those able to share modern technology the difference between practical daily life now and a thousand years ago is immense. Technology - Wikipedia The subject of theology, on the other hand, is essentially invisible. The God of Exodus is typical. They appear as a voice enveloped in smoke and fire, they make the law and demand obedience:God spoke all these words: I am the LORD your God, . . . You shall not have other gods beside me.You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or serve them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God (Exodus 20:1–5). Theology - WikipediaScientists agree because their opinions are drawn from the close observation of the world, and the world in one. Theologians agree because, in institutions like the Catholic Church, their jobs depend on it, as I discovered. In some ancient and modern theocracies, the incentive to agree is much greater: conformity is maintained with imprisonment, torture or execution. This is how Jesus of Nazareth died. His resurrection was, of course, a work of mythopoesy. Roland Greene (2012): The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry & Poetics Now modern science, scrupulously following its empirical method, has demonstrated through cosmology and evolution that the Universe is fully huge, magnificent and intelligent enough to play all the roles of God. Like the traditional God, it reaches the bounds of possibility. It evolves and the only boundary on its evolution is dynamic impossibility. Universe - Wikipedia 21.5 The cosmological constant problemLike theologians, scientists can be stubborn. The leading theory of fundamental physics, quantum field theory (QFT), is beset by a radical difficulty, the cosmological constant problem. QFT is founded on the vacuum whose role is analogous to the Hilbert space introduced in Chapter 11. Like the Hilbert space, the vacuum is source of the variety from which the Universe is created. It is also considered to be the source of the energy that drives the world whereas in this book we derive our energy from the omnipotent singularity. The essence of the problem is the huge numerical difference between the measured and computed energies of the vacuum. This problem seems to point to a radical error in the theory. The problem is succinctly described by Hobson, Efstathiou & Lasenby: How can we calculate the energy density of the vacuum? . . . The simplest calculation involves summing the quantum mechanical zero point energies of all the fields known in Nature. This gives an answer about 120 orders of magnitude higher than the upper limits on [the cosmological constant] set by cosmological observations. This is probably the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics! The problem has two ingredients: the nature of zero point energy; and all the fields known in Nature. M. P. Hobson, G. P. Efstathiou & A. N. Lasenby (2006): General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists As we see from the article by Kuhlman quoted above, quantum field theory is a vast and difficult labyrinth of theory intended to explain the simplest entities in our world. It is often difficult to distinguish the observable physics from the formal mathematics. The philosopher Sunny Auyang writes: According to the current standard model of elementary particle physics based on quantum field theory, the fundamental ontology of the world is a set of interacting fields. Two types of fields are distinguished: matter fields [fermions] and interaction fields [bosons]. . . . In fully interactive field theories, the interaction fields are permanently coupled to the matter fields, whose charges are their sources. Fundamental interactions occur only between matter and interaction fields and they occur at a point. Sunny Auyang (1995): How is Quantum Field Theory Possible? Frank Wilczek proposes a new version of the classical aether (which he calls condensate) which many thought had been slain by special relativity. His story seems plausible, until we come to page 109 where he lists a few numbers suggesting that the condensate is denser that we actually measure by factors ranging from 1044 to infinity. Another cosmological constant problem! This does not seem to worry him: strange for a scientist proud of the numerical precision yielded by theoretical calculation. Frank Wilczek (2008): The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces We might distinguish a formal logical kinetic quantum (a static unit of measurement) from a dynamic quantum (a unit of action). The logical quantum has nothing to do with the zero point energy and acts in Hilbert space. The dynamic quantum in that we observe in Minkowski space has units of angular momentum. Logical Hilbert space is independent of the real Minkowski space of concrete events (see Chapter 12: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space?). The existence of non-existence of zero point energy is a matter of measurement rather than theory. Measurements show that the zero point energy is quite small. As we shall discuss in more detail (Chapter 26: An alternative to quantum field theory?) fields seem unnecessary. We consider all particles in the Universe, including ourselves, as material bodies associated with formal Hilbert spaces (analogous to mind) which govern their behaviour when they meet. Control is inside the particles not outside in the space in which they move. This is consistent with our own lives, moved by internal forces to interact with an environment comprising all sots of other rparticles like ourselves. |
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